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Become a Tiger!

travel tiger is no ordinary company. We are a community of travel junkies who love camping and, above all, who have an unquenchable thirst for adventure.

We pride ourselves on our flat hierarchies and open communication, regardless of position. We don't have closed office doors, and we don't just meet our colleagues at the coffee machine, but also in the office sauna.

Every team member is as unique as a tiger's stripes. What unites us is our love of camping and traveling. Become part of the best tiger pack in Cologne and apply now!

But First, Coffee!

Are you curious about what we do, or would you like to get an idea of what it's like to work with us?

Take the opportunity to get to know us, and let us get to know you in a relaxed atmosphere before the actual application process begins.

Sounds interesting to you?

Then send us an email with your inquiry and your documents to [email protected]. We will then arrange a 30-minute coffee date: either remotely or, by appointment, on site in our Ehrenfeld loft office.

We look forward to meeting you!

Jobs in the Tiger Pack

Tigers don't live in packs — but we do! So apply now and join the best tiger pack in Cologne.
